El Sol También Se Levanta

I spent the months of June, July, August, September, and part of October touring and studying in Spain. My goal was to become fluent in Spanish, I was reasonable successful but need to keep up the practice. Regarding the title, before arriving I read much Hemingway and hoped to experience similar capricious escapades that he so fondly recounts in his novels. I think I was successful.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

hablando en contrasenas

I´ve got 8 minutes to write a quick entry here before the close of their four hour midday nap. I seem to have 8 minutes or so to do anything in any of these stores; I´m still trying to figure out the hours around here. Anyway, back to the title subject.

Far from revolutionary, but thought provoking to me, and that is that when you learn your native language (your first language), you associate names with objects without really ever distinguishing that's what you're doing - an 'egg' IS that white oval shell thing; they're one and the same.  Learning a second language and a second label ('huevo') for an object distinctly illuminates the separation of the label and the object.  I suppose I think there's something a little zen about separating the object from the label and trying to recognize the object as something in itself.  This is not something I'd consciously considered previously.  I would guess that raising a child to bilingual would be invaluable to their cognitive development.

hasta luego.



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