El Sol También Se Levanta

I spent the months of June, July, August, September, and part of October touring and studying in Spain. My goal was to become fluent in Spanish, I was reasonable successful but need to keep up the practice. Regarding the title, before arriving I read much Hemingway and hoped to experience similar capricious escapades that he so fondly recounts in his novels. I think I was successful.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ciudades Secretos

I spent the weekend in these cities in the mountains. They were incredible, the people were muy simpatico y siempre querian hablar. Es posible voy a volver este fin de por que hay muchos pueblos en este zona todavia no he visitado. Si yo fuera empezar una vida como un granjero problamente estaría aqui. En los dos dias pasaba aqui saqué 150 fotos. Estes solos son unos pocos. En Domingo caminé 30 kilometres y visité 5 pueblos. Cada vez paré en el solo bar en la ciudad para un cerveza y para hablar con los locales. Cuando fui alli no ví ninguna turista.


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